Hot air balloon – Retrospective

A hot air balloon ride makes the endorphins rise.
With this retrospective, the team finds out what sandbags are currently keeping it grounded and what aspects make the hot air balloon rise.

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This playful retrospective motivates the team to reflect on the past work cycle. The rising hot air balloon serves here as a metaphor to illustrate teamwork. The method makes it possible to look at promoting and inhibiting aspects that influence the team.

And this is how it works:

  • A successful retrospective begins with a check-in that asks about the team’s mood. In the first step of the retrospective, each team member is therefore asked to describe the last few weeks to the team in just three words.
  • The main section is divided into four areas:
    1. Starting with the “hot air” section.
    At this point, things are shared that are already moving the team forward.
    2. In the next step, the team focuses on the “fire” area.
    Here, each notes what things the team should focus on more intensively.
    3. In the third area, the “sandbags” are discussed.
    Here, the team collects factors that are holding them back.
    4. In the final “action steps” area, the team discusses possible action items to address the factors currently holding the team back.
  • Finally, each team member is given the opportunity to share how they feel about the next work cycle with the group.





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