Meeting rules

No meeting without an agenda!” You’ve probably heard this or a similar saying before. Even better in our eyes is: “No meeting without meeting rules!” This short impulse workshop is about creating commitment and agreeing on the most important ground rules for future meetings as a team. The template is ideal for project launches or changes in the project, e.g. when new team members join.



Make your own meeting rules!

There are no universal meeting rules; suitable meeting rules are always individual. Meetings have different circumstances and different objectives. This template will help you to find and establish the rules that are right for you.

To help you, you will find tried-and-tested meeting rules in the middle of the template that you can adopt or adapt for yourself.

And this is how it works:

  1. At the beginning, the goals of the meeting or series of meetings are defined.
  2. You then try to formulate initial rules based on the objectives that can help you achieve your goals.
    You are welcome to go through the 7 rules from best practice together for support.
  3. In the area of action steps, you now reflect on your previous rules. Are there perhaps any new rules that you would like to include? Or should existing ones perhaps be changed again?

    It is important that you regularly review your meeting rules and adjust them if necessary. Especially if you notice that some rules are not being adhered to.
    Remember that rules should always be individually adapted to the needs of the respective team and the situation.
    They must be sensible and supportive of your collaboration.

    Note: Compliance with meeting rules is an essential prerequisite for productive, efficient and respectful meetings. By adhering to the rules, participants can help to ensure that the objectives of the meeting are achieved and that the time of all participants is used effectively.

  4. To ensure that the rules are implemented and adhered to, it is important that you create commitment.
    To do this, use the red box at the bottom left and ask whether all team members agree and commit to implementing the meeting rules. If you have participants who veto the rules, discuss the objections calmly and think together about what a good solution could look like for all of you.


2 feet rule: “Only take part in meetings and agenda items where you ultimately contribute or take something away.”

Employees often complain about spending too much time in meetings. This is understandable, as they spend a significant amount of time in meetings. With the rule of two feet, you can help to change this.


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